
Congratulations to Ben Frigo-Vaz on his new employment opportunity (Oct 29, '21)

Ben Frigo-Vaz will be leaving as lab manager to be an industrial scientist 10~20 minutes away at Pace Analytical (R) starting Nov 15th where he will be developing, verifying as well as training technicians on bio-pharmaceutical regulator methods, that is methods for verifying the purity and activity of bio-pharmaceuticals as required for drug manufactures. All lab management functions will be divided between the PI (Dr. Ping Wang) and the senior graduate student (Chao Xu).

Congratulations to our '18 Graduates! (Dec 25, '18)

Yu-hsiang "Jeffery" Wang and Natalia Calixto-Mancipe have both successfully defended their Master thesises and graduated. We wish them the best of luck! Natalia is continuing work on as Ph.D canidate student with another professor and department here at the UofM and Jeffery is seeking private employment as he finishes research here on his ethylene absorbor electro-chemical sensor. 

BBE 1001 Demo (Oct 4, '18)

Demo of self-clearning coating

We successfully demonstrated our self-cleaning coating technology to new BBE students and had them do both qualitative demo and quantitative enzyme assays on the coatings. 


Ben Frigo with BBE 1001 students

Spring Cleaning (Feb, 5 '18)

Lab Cleaning of Spring of '18

A lot is happening this year with the lab, wrapping up and publication of three lines of scientific/engineering inquiry:

  1. Effect of Hydrophobin Coatings on the Adhesion of B Cinera
  2. Carbonized Cellulose and Carbon Nanotube Based Sensor for Volatile Organic Compounds
  3. Multi-Enzyme Antibacterial Coating